日常生活で使われる名詞! TOEIC part1問題にも頻出!





・chore 雑用

It is important to divide household chores.


・furniture (集合的に)家具

We are going to go to the furniture store to buy several pieces of furniture.


家具すべてを含んで集合的にfurnitureというため、この単語自体は数えられない不可算名詞です。数えたい時にはa piece of〜、two pieces of〜のように使います。


・appliance (家庭用の)器具

I bought some electrical appliances at a store.



・drawer 引き出し、(〜s)たんす

He is looking in the desk drawer.



・ladder はしご

The woman is climbing up the ladder.



・railing 手すり

The old woman is holding on to a railing.



・shelf 棚

Put the books back on the shelf.




・ceiling 天井

The room has a high ceiling.



・cupboard 戸棚、食器棚

Put the knives back in the cupboard.




・drapery (通例〜ies) カーテン(≒drape, curtain)

He put up the new draperies today.



・stool 腰掛け

The girl is sitting a stool.




・stair (〜s) 階段

He is climbing up the stairs.



・story 〜階建て(建物の高さ)

The shopping mall is 5 stories high.


「物語」と同じつづりのstoryには実は「〜階建て」という意味があります。建物全体の高さを言いたい時に使います。floorも階を表しますが、こちらは、1st floor, 2nd floorのように建物の中の何階かを表す時に使います。


・hallway 廊下

I walked down this hallway yesterday.



・garage 車庫、ガレージ

A truck is parked in the garage.



・brick レンガ

This house is made of brick.



・canteen 水筒、(イギリス英語で)食堂。

The man is drinking water from a canteen.



より一般的な言い方には、water bottleがあります。


・utensil (特に料理用の)器具

Kitchen utensils are stored in the drawer.




・gadget ちょっとした道具

I use many kitchen gadgets when cooking.



・pot 鍋、鉢

Fill a large pot with water.



・sink 流し、洗面台

A lot of dishes are piled up in the sink.



・refrigerator 冷蔵庫

Let’s keep it in the refrigerator.




・scale はかり、規模

She put the beef on the kitchen scale.



・lid (箱、鍋などの)ふた

She is taking the lid off. (彼女はふたを取ろうとしている)



・bin ゴミ箱 (≒can)

Throw garbage in the bin. (ゴミはゴミ箱に捨てて)


・cardboard 段ボール

We need to collect some cardboard boxes for moving.



・detergent 洗剤

This is my favorite detergent.



・broom ほうき

She is sweeping the floor with a broom.



・dustpan ちりとり

Get the dustpan and clean up the room.




・detour 迂回路

We made a detour because there is heavy traffic.



・pedestrian 歩行者(≒walker)

There are some pedestrians on the sidewalk.



・flier (flyer)チラシ(≒leaflet)

I will bring this flier to the shop. (私はこのチラシをお店に持っていく)


・voucher 商品引換券、クーポン

You can use the voucher in this supermarket.



・goods 商品 (≒merchandise)

The goods are arranged on the case.



・bargain お買い得品、契約

This handkerchief is a bargain at $10.


また、「契約を結ぶ」はmake a bargainのように表します。


・wheelbarrow 手押し車 

The woman is pushing a wheelbarrow.



・platform 駅のホーム、演壇

There are many people on the platform.



・deck 甲板、デッキ

Some people are out on the deck.



・pier 桟橋 (≒jetty)

Many boats are tied to the pier.



・crate 木箱

 Crates are stacked. (木箱が重なっている)


・intersection 交差点 (≒junction, crossing)

Turn right at the intersection. (交差点を右に曲がって)


・courtyard (塀・建物で囲まれた)中庭

That house has a beautiful courtyard.



・awning (店先などの)日よけ

The table is installed under an awning.



・fountain 噴水

His child is playing in the water fountain.



・pathway 小道

The man is walking on a pathway.



・bush (低木の)茂み

She is trimming the bushes.



・lawn 芝生

The woman is mowing the lawn.



・lumber 材木、木材 (≒timber)

The man is cutting lumber from a log.


